Friday, February 5, 2016

Print All Possible 10 Digit Password Combinations Using 0-9 And Save To A Text File C++

Print All Possible 10 Digit Password Combinations Using 0-9 And Save To A Text File  C++

Console output  to see what is happening:

The Text file will be in the project folder.


All combinations will be stored in the text file in order.
There will be 10 Billion and it could take a while to complete this.

How to Print 10 Billion Random 10 Digit Passwords Using 0-9 And Save To A Text File C++

Print 10 billion passwords to a text file C++

In this example, visual studio 2010 is used.

The external file will be in the project folder.


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Target Heart Rate Calculator C++

This example is a Target Heart Rate Calculator. This is from the Deitel C++ how to program book. The instructor asked us to add a couple of things to the program and I will post a shot of the instructions he gave.

The first screenshot contains the modified instructions.

Above is a screen shot of the header file. Here is the code:

#include <string>

class HeartRate

    explicit HeartRate(std::string,std::string, int, int, int, int, int, int);

std::string getLastName()const;
std::string getFirstName() const;

int getBirthMonth() const;
int getBirthDay()const;
int getBirthYear()const;

int getCurMonth()const;
int getCurDay() const;
int getCurYear()const;

int getAge();
int getMaxHr();
float getTargetHeartRate50();
float getTargetHeartRate85();
std::string firstName;
std::string lastName;
int bMonth;
int bDay;
int bYear;
int age;
int hr;
int curMonth;
int curYear;
int curDay;
int maxHr;
float targetHr50;
float targetHr85;

The next screen shot is the heartrate.cpp

Here is the full code for the heartrate cpp. You can't see it all in the picture.

#include <iostream>
#include "HeartRate.h"
using namespace std;

HeartRate::HeartRate(string fname,string lname, int bM, int bD, int bY, int cM, int cD, int cY)
:firstName(fname), lastName(lname), bMonth(bM), bDay(bD), bYear(bY), curMonth(cM), curDay(cD), curYear(cY)


string HeartRate::getFirstName() const

return firstName;

string HeartRate::getLastName() const
return lastName;

int HeartRate::getBirthMonth() const

return bMonth;

int HeartRate::getBirthDay() const

return bDay;

int HeartRate::getBirthYear() const

return bYear;

int HeartRate::getCurMonth() const

return curMonth;

int HeartRate::getCurDay() const

return curDay;

int HeartRate::getCurYear() const

return curYear;

int HeartRate::getAge()


int age = curYear-bYear;

if (curMonth < bMonth)

return age - 1;

if ( curMonth==bMonth )


return age - 1;

return age;


int HeartRate::getMaxHr()


int age= curYear-bYear;

int maxHr = 220 - age;

return maxHr;


float HeartRate::getTargetHeartRate50()

int age = curYear-bYear;
int maxHr = 220- age;

float targetHr50 = maxHr *.50;

return targetHr50;


float HeartRate::getTargetHeartRate85()

int age = curYear-bYear;
int maxHr = 220- age;

float targetHr85 = maxHr *.85;

return targetHr85;

Next is the main cpp:

Here is the code:

#include <iostream>
#include "HeartRate.h"
using namespace std;

int main()

std::string firstName;
std::string lastName;
int bMonth;
int bDay;
int bYear;
int curMonth;
int curDay;
int curYear;
//int age;   this is not needed
//int maxHr; this is not needed

cout << "Enter your first name  " ;
cin >> firstName;

cout << "Enter your last name  ";
cin >> lastName;

cout << "Enter your birth month as an integer  ";
cin >> bMonth;

cout << "Enter your day of birth as an integer  ";
cin >> bDay;

cout << "Enter your birth year as a four digit integer  ";
cin >> bYear;

cout << "Please enter the current month  " ;
cin >> curMonth;

cout << "Please enter the current day  " ;
cin >> curDay;

cout << "Please enter the current year  " ;
cin >> curYear;
cout << endl;

HeartRate myHR(firstName,lastName,bMonth,bDay,bYear,curMonth,curDay,curYear);
HeartRate anything(firstName,lastName,bMonth,bDay,bYear,curMonth,curDay,curYear);

cout << "Hello " << myHR.getFirstName() <<" " << myHR.getLastName()  << "\n";
cout << "Birthdate " << myHR.getBirthMonth()<<"/"<<myHR.getBirthDay()<<"/"<<myHR.getBirthYear() <<"\n";
cout << endl;

cout << "Your age is  " << anything.getAge(); cout <<endl;

cout << "Your maximum heart rate is  " << anything.getMaxHr(); cout <<endl;

cout << "Your target heart rate should be between " << anything.getTargetHeartRate50() << " and " << anything.getTargetHeartRate85(); cout << endl;
cout << endl;

return 0;


Friday, December 18, 2015

Display shapes with Asterisks. A box, an oval, an arrow, and a diamond.

This is the code for displaying shapes with asterisks. This example is from the Deitel book.

This will display the shapes side by side.

Beginning c++ Hello World Program

 In this tutorial we will create a simple hello world program. It goes as follows:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()

cout<< "Hello World!" << endl;

return 0;
